Descrption of a cruise ship

Let us explore such a cruise ship. But before doing that, we should explain some of the terms commonly :

Aft - The rear of the ship (or the stern)
A midships - In the middle of the vessel,halfway between the bow and the stern.
A stern - Behind the rear or stern of the ship, often refers to something in the wake or trail of the ship.
A port - Across the width of the ship.
Ballast - weight placed in the ship to keep it on an even keel when empty of cargo or fuel.
Beam - The width of the ship at it's widest point.
Bearing - The compass direction,expressed in degrees.
Below - Under deck or on a subsequent deck further down. This can also mean "at rest or off duty" for a crew member who goes below for his rest.
Berth - A bed in cabin or a passenger space
Bow - The forward or foremost part of the ship.
Bridge - The ship's command center. It is often located above and forward of the passenger areas like the cockpit of an aircraft.
Cabin - Bedroom or sleeping accommodations for passengers or crew.

Course - The direction in which the ship is heading.
Davit - Steel structure holding the lifeboats.
Deck - Each floor of a ship.
Disembark - To leave a ship, to land.
Dock - When the ship ties up at the pier or wharf or quay.
Draft or drought - The distance between ship's waterline and its lowest point, or depth of water necessary to prevent it from going a ground.
Drill - Any exercise ordered by the master of the ship, such as the lifeboat drill on the first day out.
Embark - To board a ship
Fathom - A measure of 6 feet used to determine the depth of water by sounding.
Fix - To obtain a position by any method (sextant,radar,satellite,navigator)
Flags - Ships communicate with flags in an international code of signal.
Free board - The outer part of a ship hull between the waterline and the main deck.
Funnel - The smokestack or chimney of the ship.
Galley - The kitchen.
Gangway - A portable accommodation for entry and exit from the ship. It used to be known as a gangplank.
Gross register ton (grt) - A measure of the weight of a ship 100 cubic feet=1 grt.
Stabilizer - A retractable fin extending into the water on either side of the vessel to ensure smooth sailing in rough seas.
Porthole - The window in your cabin looking out.
Manifest - List of ship's passengers, crew and cargo.
Knot - A unit of speed for a ship. One knot is equal to one nautical mile.
Log - The daily record in which details of navigation, weather, engine performance and other aspects of ship's progress are kept.
Quay - Dock, berth, pier
Port side - The left side of the ship looking forward. (also means harbour)
Starboard side - The right side of the ship looking forward. (also indicated by green navigational light).
Running lights - The colored lights required on all vessels at night to indicate direction or course.
Roll - The sideways motion of the ship as opposed to the pitch or up and down motion.
Skipper - slang for captain.
Ship to shore - Communications with land by radio telephone.
Master - The captain of the ship.
Super structure - The structural part of the ship above the main deck.
Uncharted - Any obstruction,Rock,reef, or land from that does not appear on the map of the seas.
Underway - Indicates the ship is about to sail. The anchor has been brought up and the lines let go.
Wake - Th trail the ship leaves behind in the water. Foam churned up by the propellers.
Waterline - The point at which water covers the lower portion of the ship.


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